Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 1 Assessment

1. About My Business Plan:
My business concept is called Miami Club Scene. The idea of Miami Club Scene is to create an online and offline social network that tailors to the patrons, and venues in the local area. This includes listings of events in venues, specials at each venue, what is popular, and many other services that can both entice and keep our customers coming back. Our ways of generating income include event hosting, advertising, VIP services, an iPhone application, and a subscriptions for our services.

2. The Keywords:

The keywords that we will be using for my business is as follows:
1. nightclubs in miami: Since part of our services entitles alliances with venues, we want to make sure that we are on the top of this list. This will ensure that if someone wants to see nightclubs in Miami, they can come to the place with all the best nightclubs listed along with their events, specials, and updates.

2. miami club scene: This one is pretty straightforward. We chose this keyword simply because it is the name of the company and the website.

3. the miami nightlife: Since we are tailored to create a social network for the clubs in Miami, naturally we picked this one. This entails what the social network is for, which is simply the miami nightlife.

4. miami beach clubs: Since most of the nightlife is located on Miami Beach, we decided to add this phrase so that people know that our main focus is in Miami Beach.

5. miami club vip: Since our services include events, we want to include this phrase so that more people can draw to our VIP services as well as events, which can draw more customers.

Summary: I chose these 5 keyword/phrases because not only are they simple, but they also get straight to the point. Since my business entails many services, and venues, it would be wise to put our business onto the top of each of these.

3. The Top-Ranked Websites:

The list of each of the top ranked site for each keyword are as follows:

To get to #1: To get to the top of each of these keyword searches it would be extremely difficult. This partially has to do with the fact that one of my main competitors would be We would have to play it smart, which would entail using these competitors as allies to help promote the website as well.

4. In conclusion: Although the keywords have shown much of our competition to be some of the top most well known services, sites, and clubs, this can be used to our advantage. With the right the right integration with these sites, we can ultimately get ourselves out there fairly quickly.

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