Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Activity 6

August 14, 2010: Rising Up Angry @ Club Topic in Daytona Florida.

Job: Grip/Merchandising/Lighting Engineer

Summary: For this show I had gotten a call from Chris Williams from Rising Up Angry, regarding a last minute show at a club with an A & R Rep from Universal Republic Records. Since it was a sunday and it was a good chance to meet with the representative I promptly replied. As we got there, after helping to set up all the gear I was promptly asked to look after the merchandise for a few moments. Once I opened the box I noticed that the merchandise was unorganized with some rolled up and labeled and some that were not rolled up. So I decided to take the initiative and set up a table full of all the rolled merchandise and used duck tape to list what was what and what sizes we had. 

After that I helped reset all the lighting for the size of the stage as well as run the lights for the show. At the end of the show I came up to the representative to discuss what he liked and didn't like for at the show and made sure he got everything he needed while he discussed business with the band. While discussions were happening, I helped take everything down and pack up.

What I Learned: For this show I learned how to be more organized when it comes to the appearance of a product/artist. I also learned that by taking the initiative to talk to the representative I learned what I could improve not only in the image of the products, but also learned how to appropriately present myself and product to another industry professional. 

How This Applies: This activity can be applied in leadership because it helped me understand that a good organized company can help increase productivity.

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