Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Activity 5

July 25, 2010: Rising Up Angry @ Coliseum in Daytona Florida.

Job: Grip/Lighting Engineer/Merchandising/Temporary VIP Security

Summary: For this show I was asked to help run the lighting rig in Daytona's Coliseum. Unlike the previous show at the coliseum, this was made up as a follow up show for the CD Release party back in March. Once I finished setting up the gear and lighting systems, I was asked to watch over the VIP Room before the actual venue security had arrived. While I was stationed there I found many friends of the band would try to enter without their name on the guest list. From my time spent watching over I had to use a bit of force to make sure no one entered the VIP Room. After that I was asked to help sell merchandise. After my time spent there, when Rising Up Angry came on I ran the lighting rig and helped pack everything up.

What I Learned: From this show I learned sometimes one must take more extreme measures to ensure the safety of another. 

How This Applies: This activity can be applied to leadership because it helped me learn how to deal with people and issues that can possibly escalate.

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