Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Month 1: Executive Leadership

Assignment: Leadership Skills Assessment

Summary: For this assignment I had to assess myself as well as set personal goals for my final leadership portfolio. Listed below are my highly effective and needs improvement traits, as well as listed goals for the portfolio.

    NI Skills:

1. Problem Solving

2. Attitude

3. People

4. Priorities

    HE Skills:

1. Vision

2. Integrity

3. Self-discipline

Personal Goal Statement: 

1. My major goal, like everyone else is to not only improve the skills that need improvement, but to continue to exercise the skills I am already good at.

2.  One activity I will be utilizing very soon will be re-recording vocals the album “On Angry Grounds” by Rising Up Angry. Through this activity I will improve my problem solving and people skills by working with a new singer for the band and getting the product complete in a faster and more efficient way. 

3. I will be volunteering at Classic Cases to help improve my priorities and attitude by working in an environment where teamwork is key to delivering a final product. 

4. I will volunteer as a lighting engineer for Rising Up Angry. Through this I will be able to improve more on vision and influence by creating a professional quality light show to go with the bands music, while working with the band and sharing my knowledge and influence to help improve them as a band.

5. I volunteer as a band advisor/manager for the band Paralysis. Through this I will be developing my problem solving skills and my people skills by keeping the members happy not only with each other as people, but also help guide them as a band both musically and professionally

6. I will be coordinating a professional live music video for Rising Up Angry. This will help me improve on all my skills by utilizing what I already have, while learning how to maintain the vision in not only the staff, but in myself as well.

7. I will be attending and volunteering with MEISA. Through them I cannot only expand my own skills, I will learn through observing others as well.

What I Learned: Based off of the Leadership Skills Assessment, my most positive attributes are my integrity, my vision and my self-discipline. From there comes my ability to create positive change, develop staff, and influence others. I have learned from this assessment that the skills I need to work on the most would have to be problem solving, people skills, priorities and attitude.

How This Applies: From this assignment I learned that in order to improve traits you must conduct a self evaluation. In the first step to solving a problem, you must first admit that you have a problem and this helped me to find my problems very easily.

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