Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Month 2: Project Team Management

Assignment: Project Proposal Group Project

Summary: For this assignment we had to create an entire project proposal as a group. Our project proposal was to create a press kit for the Oviedo Challenger Football League. The Oviedo Challenger Football League is a league dedicated to kids with special needs and challenges. This press kit includes photographs, biographies, interview, as well as performances of the event. For this assignment I was the photographer of the event as well as I wrote the assumptions for our proposal.

What I Learned: I learned that even when being sick, it is imperative that some work must be done. I learned how to take negative criticism for things that were not under my control as well as maintain composure in an almost little to nothing group environment. 

How This Applies: From this assignment I learned very quickly how not to lead. I also learned very quickly that miscommunication can be a very large obstacle. Another thing that this assignment helped me with, is to be positive even in a negative environment.

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