Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Activity 1

March 26, 2010: Rising Up Angry @ Club Fusion in St. Augustine Florida.

Job: Grip/Lighting Technician/Assistant Show Planner/Lighting Designer

Summary: This show was the practice show for the CD release party not only for the band, but also for the new singer who had just joined the band a few months before. For this show I had to get up around 8:00 AM. This is because I had to go to Rising Up Angry's practice space in order to go through all of the equipment and fix whatever needed to be fixed as well as design the lighting rig before the CD release party on the 28th. After going through all the equipment, at 4:00 PM we headed out to the practice show at Club Fusion. When we got there we planned out the next show and had them practice it at the club. I had to help them figure out what lighting we were going to use as well as merchandising, set list, and what else we needed. After that they played the show I helped pack up.

What I Learned: I learned how to fix and repair needed equipment as well as how to properly design a lighting rig for a professional venue. I also learned how to deal with new people in a band and work with them personally. The last thing I learned is how to properly plan a show.

How This Applies: This activity applies to leadership because I was able to not only fix and repair problems that needed to be fixed, but was also able to design a scheme for a big show and deal with the artists wants and needs flawlessly. 

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