Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Month 11: Business Plan Development

Assignment: Business Plan Expert Research

Summary: For this assignment I had to do research on two professionals and find out what their opinions were on business plans. I ventured onto a business plan website called BP Plans, which was a series of not only question and answers from many different experts, but also had them give their advice and opinions on particular matters. For this assignment I chose both Tim Berry, and Jeffrey E. Edelheit.

What I Learned: I learned from running through as well as the other linked resources, that when it comes to business plans, details are a huge factor in creating a successful one. I also learned that when it comes down to it, profit isn’t everything in a business plan. This is because as Tim Berry says, if you have cash flow, you can keep your company moving. 

I also learned that since details are very important when forming a business plan, which I truly need to work on this business plan to ensure that I have properly created a more strategic and definite approach to what exactly needs to be done in order to have my business plan be not only successful, but also a sellable plan for other states.

How This Applies: This assignment helped me to understand from an experts perspective on how to have a properly make a business plan.

Table Of Contents

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