Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Activity 2

March 28, 2010: Rising Up Angry @ Coliseum in Daytona Florida.

Job: Show Coordinator/Lighting Engineer/Grip Supervisor/Merchandising

Summary: This was the biggest and best of the activities that I did for this band. For this show we started by getting there at 10:00 AM. I was able to take it easy for this one because we had many others helping us with the construction of the stage. So instead I was able to supervise the construction of the stage, more specifically with the lighting rig. After the construction of the stage I was asked to create the merchandise booth. 

In this show I helped create the actual merchandise set up that Rising Up Angry now uses throughout their shows. During the show I was coordinating everything including the sound and the artists that were playing at the show. When Rising Up Angry was up I was able to run the lighting rig as well as coordinate the house lights with the Coliseum's lighting engineer. After they played I went back to the merchandise and helped sell all the merchandise. After that I helped pack up.

What I Learned: I learned how to properly coordinate and supervise a show. I also learned how to create a good image for a product utilizing the tools I had at hand. I also learned from the previous show how to properly pre-plan a show and what it takes to create the best show possible.

How This Applies: This activity applies to leadership because it helped me to learn how to properly function as a leader when in action. I was not only able to maintain what needed to be done, but I also helped created very smooth show.

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