Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Activity 3

April 2, 2010: Rising Up Angry @ County Line Saloon in Melbourne Florida.

Job: Grip/Lighting Engineer/Merchandising/Promotions

Summary: For this show I called Rising Up Angry to get this gig. In this gig I had to do most of the regular work I had to do for the band. We set up al the equipment and afterwards I was sent to do some of the merchandising as well as the promoting for the Hard Rock show. Most of what I did consisted of offering free tickets to the people who bought merchandise. After that I ran the lights for the show and than helped them pack up.

What I Learned: For this show I learned how to properly communicate to people in order to sell merchandise and promote a show at the same time.

How This Applies: This activity applies to leadership because I was able to properly coordinate myself to talk to people in order to sell merchandise as well as promote a show.

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