Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Activity 4

May 7, 2010: Rising Up Angry @ Hard Rock Live in Orlando Florida.

Job: Grip/Runner/Lighting Coordinator

Summary: For this show I was called to run the lights for the show. Knowing that this was a good time to work with the people at Hard Rock, I accepted the offer. When we got there, we learned that there was no time to set up all the lights as well as our own equipment. Knowing this I promptly removed myself as the lighting engineer and as Mark from Hard Rock to run his lights and I would coordinate what I wanted. During the other bands, I decided to go look for something I could do and decided to be the runner for what Hard Rock and Rising Up Angry needed. When Rising Up Angry started I gave Mark the list of what I wanted for each song as well as cued him in for each time a guitarist performed a solo. After the show I helped pack everything up and helped clean up the venue.

What I Learned: I learned that sometimes it is better to make the best with the situations at hand, and from there figure it out. I also learned how important it is to not only supervise another at a task, but also learned how to intervene if something needs to be fixed or added.

How This Applies: In this activity, I was able to not only step down when I needed, but I also was able to make the best of the situation with the tools needed to help create a more positive and productive environment. 

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