Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Month 10: Mobile Marketing And Commerce

Assignment: Survey With People 

Summary: For this assignment I had to conduct a survey regarding mobile technology and peoples thoughts about it. I managed to find six very different individuals from not only different states, but also different ages as well as statuses.

What I Learned: I learned that when it comes down to interviewing people regarding cell phones, people seem to be very emotionally either positive or negative to everything. The biggest thing that I have also learned that makes me curious was the question regarding getting an application that would update them on the information that they would need. This actually makes me think twice with applying this to my business as well as the application of my marketing from a mobile marketing perspective. 

When it comes to actually applying all this to my business, this leadership portfolio has given me more of an incite into my actual demographics, which are unrelated to the demographics I interviewed because this was more of an experiment. In the end I have also learned how to properly conduct a survey required to get information from not only customers, but from random individuals as well.

How This Applies: This assignment gave me a chance to understand how to conduct a survey, which in turn can help me when it comes to gaining feedback from my companies' customers.

Table Of Contents

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