Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Month 9: Internet Marketing And Search Optimization

Assignment: Digital Media Plan

Summary: For this assignment I had to create a digital media plan for my company. The digital media plan includes the following, competition, industry trends, target audience, goals and objectives, campaign budgeting and duration, channel rationale and budgeting, campaign management, and a customized KPI for my company. All of this was put together from not only the research done from the entire class, but as well as specifically found for this project.

What I Learned: I learned how to use sources to find the demographics of a website. I also learned how to brainstorm ways to properly get my website to the top of googles search engine.

How This Applies: This assignment gave me incite on how to properly allocate a target demographic from the internet and create a proper plan that coincides with the research.

Click Here To Review The Digital Media Plan

Table Of Contents

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