Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Month 5: Negotiation And Deal Making

Assignment: Negotiation

Summary: For this assignment I had to make a negotiation with someone. So I decided to negotiate with Chris Williams, both guitarist and manager from Rising Up Angry. For this assignment we negotiated a percentage that would be given to me for every CD sold. This is because I recorded the album for free on mutual terms but also I needed them to understand that I needed to at least make something other than just experience. 

The negotiations went very smoothly and at the end of the negotiation a proper resolve was made. With all things considered and all numbers reviewed a decision was made on the understanding that both of us wanted to continue our mutual relationship going and keep this relationship long term. So in the end I get .40 Cents for every album sold as well as possibility of extra if the album becomes successful. In return I would work on their next album for little charge, which would be just enough to pay bills. This is because if I want to continue to working with them, they need to be able to have a strong career

What I Learned: I learned that emotions could easily harm a resolve. This is usually because sometimes it is difficult to take personal feelings away from the facts. I learned that in order to truly understand what I am negotiating I must understand the problems both sides may have. This could have been accomplished through much more thorough research, which I admit I did not do enough of. 

I also learned that communication is very much needed in negotiation. When it comes down to it, it is as simple as this, if you cannot communicate well with others, than you cannot properly negotiate whatsoever.

How This Applies: This assignment applies to leadership because it taught me how to maintain myself in a proper negotiation. I learned how not to use my emotions and that if I learn to make a mutual agreement, that it can benefit not only myself, but another, which in turn can create a more lasting relationship.

Table Of Contents

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