Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Month 6: Product And Artist Management

Assignment: Interview and Presentation of an Artist or Product Manager

Summary: For this assignment I was suppose to interview an artist or product manager and than create a presentation. I decided to choose Chris Williams not only because he manages his own band, but he is also the co-founder and manager of the company Classic Cases, which makes road cases for expensive gear. I decided to personally go to his shop to see what and how he does everything as well as interviewed him on how he manages Classic Cases and what it takes to become a product manager in the industry.

What I Learned: I learned that it takes a great amount of time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears to manage a product. I also learned that managing a product can be a grueling and rigorous job without the proper knowledge, people skills, and determination. When it comes to product management, image is everything.

The last thing I learned is that it is good to have well structured questions as well as a list of these questions to hand to the interviewee before the actual interview occurs.

How This Applies: From this assignment I was able to learn not only how product management works, but I also was given incite on how to properly manage a product via word of mouth.

Click Here To Review The Product Management Presentation

Table Of Contents

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