Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Month 7: Advanced Entertainment Law

Assignment: Interview With Lawyer

Summary: For this assignment I had to find a lawyer and interview him. During the weeks that we had off I ventured to Miami  and went to the district where all the lawyers were more present and conducted a search. After countless declines and many references I stumbled on Professor Lionel S. Sobel from Southwestern Law School. From there I asked my questions and got fairly simple and straight to the point answers.

What I Learned: I learned that it is difficult to find lawyers, especially within such a small time frame. I also learned that when it comes to talking to another lawyer, they are more interested to talk to you if it is business rather than just asking questions regarding their work.

How This Applies: This applies to leadership because I had to do not only extensive research, but also travel to many law firms in Miami in order to try to get an interview. This taught me how to be persistent and challenged me to do extensive research as well as utilize references to find the correct person.

Table Of Contents

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