Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Howard Leon's Leadership Portfolio
Hello and welcome to my leadership portfolio. 

Table of Contents

Leadership Portfolio Assignments

Monday, September 20, 2010

Leadership Portfolio Activity 6

August 14, 2010: Rising Up Angry @ Club Topic in Daytona Florida.

Job: Grip/Merchandising/Lighting Engineer

Summary: For this show I had gotten a call from Chris Williams from Rising Up Angry, regarding a last minute show at a club with an A & R Rep from Universal Republic Records. Since it was a sunday and it was a good chance to meet with the representative I promptly replied. As we got there, after helping to set up all the gear I was promptly asked to look after the merchandise for a few moments. Once I opened the box I noticed that the merchandise was unorganized with some rolled up and labeled and some that were not rolled up. So I decided to take the initiative and set up a table full of all the rolled merchandise and used duck tape to list what was what and what sizes we had. 

After that I helped reset all the lighting for the size of the stage as well as run the lights for the show. At the end of the show I came up to the representative to discuss what he liked and didn't like for at the show and made sure he got everything he needed while he discussed business with the band. While discussions were happening, I helped take everything down and pack up.

What I Learned: For this show I learned how to be more organized when it comes to the appearance of a product/artist. I also learned that by taking the initiative to talk to the representative I learned what I could improve not only in the image of the products, but also learned how to appropriately present myself and product to another industry professional. 

How This Applies: This activity can be applied in leadership because it helped me understand that a good organized company can help increase productivity.

Leadership Portfolio Activity 5

July 25, 2010: Rising Up Angry @ Coliseum in Daytona Florida.

Job: Grip/Lighting Engineer/Merchandising/Temporary VIP Security

Summary: For this show I was asked to help run the lighting rig in Daytona's Coliseum. Unlike the previous show at the coliseum, this was made up as a follow up show for the CD Release party back in March. Once I finished setting up the gear and lighting systems, I was asked to watch over the VIP Room before the actual venue security had arrived. While I was stationed there I found many friends of the band would try to enter without their name on the guest list. From my time spent watching over I had to use a bit of force to make sure no one entered the VIP Room. After that I was asked to help sell merchandise. After my time spent there, when Rising Up Angry came on I ran the lighting rig and helped pack everything up.

What I Learned: From this show I learned sometimes one must take more extreme measures to ensure the safety of another. 

How This Applies: This activity can be applied to leadership because it helped me learn how to deal with people and issues that can possibly escalate.

Leadership Portfolio Activity 4

May 7, 2010: Rising Up Angry @ Hard Rock Live in Orlando Florida.

Job: Grip/Runner/Lighting Coordinator

Summary: For this show I was called to run the lights for the show. Knowing that this was a good time to work with the people at Hard Rock, I accepted the offer. When we got there, we learned that there was no time to set up all the lights as well as our own equipment. Knowing this I promptly removed myself as the lighting engineer and as Mark from Hard Rock to run his lights and I would coordinate what I wanted. During the other bands, I decided to go look for something I could do and decided to be the runner for what Hard Rock and Rising Up Angry needed. When Rising Up Angry started I gave Mark the list of what I wanted for each song as well as cued him in for each time a guitarist performed a solo. After the show I helped pack everything up and helped clean up the venue.

What I Learned: I learned that sometimes it is better to make the best with the situations at hand, and from there figure it out. I also learned how important it is to not only supervise another at a task, but also learned how to intervene if something needs to be fixed or added.

How This Applies: In this activity, I was able to not only step down when I needed, but I also was able to make the best of the situation with the tools needed to help create a more positive and productive environment. 

Leadership Portfolio Activity 3

April 2, 2010: Rising Up Angry @ County Line Saloon in Melbourne Florida.

Job: Grip/Lighting Engineer/Merchandising/Promotions

Summary: For this show I called Rising Up Angry to get this gig. In this gig I had to do most of the regular work I had to do for the band. We set up al the equipment and afterwards I was sent to do some of the merchandising as well as the promoting for the Hard Rock show. Most of what I did consisted of offering free tickets to the people who bought merchandise. After that I ran the lights for the show and than helped them pack up.

What I Learned: For this show I learned how to properly communicate to people in order to sell merchandise and promote a show at the same time.

How This Applies: This activity applies to leadership because I was able to properly coordinate myself to talk to people in order to sell merchandise as well as promote a show.

Leadership Portfolio Activity 2

March 28, 2010: Rising Up Angry @ Coliseum in Daytona Florida.

Job: Show Coordinator/Lighting Engineer/Grip Supervisor/Merchandising

Summary: This was the biggest and best of the activities that I did for this band. For this show we started by getting there at 10:00 AM. I was able to take it easy for this one because we had many others helping us with the construction of the stage. So instead I was able to supervise the construction of the stage, more specifically with the lighting rig. After the construction of the stage I was asked to create the merchandise booth. 

In this show I helped create the actual merchandise set up that Rising Up Angry now uses throughout their shows. During the show I was coordinating everything including the sound and the artists that were playing at the show. When Rising Up Angry was up I was able to run the lighting rig as well as coordinate the house lights with the Coliseum's lighting engineer. After they played I went back to the merchandise and helped sell all the merchandise. After that I helped pack up.

What I Learned: I learned how to properly coordinate and supervise a show. I also learned how to create a good image for a product utilizing the tools I had at hand. I also learned from the previous show how to properly pre-plan a show and what it takes to create the best show possible.

How This Applies: This activity applies to leadership because it helped me to learn how to properly function as a leader when in action. I was not only able to maintain what needed to be done, but I also helped created very smooth show.

Leadership Portfolio Activity 1

March 26, 2010: Rising Up Angry @ Club Fusion in St. Augustine Florida.

Job: Grip/Lighting Technician/Assistant Show Planner/Lighting Designer

Summary: This show was the practice show for the CD release party not only for the band, but also for the new singer who had just joined the band a few months before. For this show I had to get up around 8:00 AM. This is because I had to go to Rising Up Angry's practice space in order to go through all of the equipment and fix whatever needed to be fixed as well as design the lighting rig before the CD release party on the 28th. After going through all the equipment, at 4:00 PM we headed out to the practice show at Club Fusion. When we got there we planned out the next show and had them practice it at the club. I had to help them figure out what lighting we were going to use as well as merchandising, set list, and what else we needed. After that they played the show I helped pack up.

What I Learned: I learned how to fix and repair needed equipment as well as how to properly design a lighting rig for a professional venue. I also learned how to deal with new people in a band and work with them personally. The last thing I learned is how to properly plan a show.

How This Applies: This activity applies to leadership because I was able to not only fix and repair problems that needed to be fixed, but was also able to design a scheme for a big show and deal with the artists wants and needs flawlessly.